Law of Action
The Law of Action must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words. The Law of action states that you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. Unless you take actions that are in harmony with your thoughts and dreams and proceed in an orderly fasion towards what you want to accomplish, there will be absolutely no foreseeable results. It is here with the law of action that most people falter when pursuing success. It could be their fears or laziness that get in the way.
You can also relate this law to that of the law of cause and effect. The cause is your action, as you take the action there will be a corresponding effect, that of which you may know or only the Universe will know the effect, but there will be an effect. Only by taking actions which correspond with our free will desires will the universe know what to bring into your life. If you wish to learned, then take the action steps to learn - read books, study, etc.. only then will the universe know what you are striving for.
When you take action, from the smallest thing from writing a To-Do list in the morning, you set into motion corresponding effects that change your immediate future, and if you follow up day after day it can become a habit way of living and the results will be exponential. But if you fail, to take that first action, then there wont be much in your future for results.
The Law of Action must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words. The Law of action states that you must do the things and perform the actions necessary to achieve what you are setting out to do. Unless you take actions that are in harmony with your thoughts and dreams and proceed in an orderly fasion towards what you want to accomplish, there will be absolutely no foreseeable results. It is here with the law of action that most people falter when pursuing success. It could be their fears or laziness that get in the way.
You can also relate this law to that of the law of cause and effect. The cause is your action, as you take the action there will be a corresponding effect, that of which you may know or only the Universe will know the effect, but there will be an effect. Only by taking actions which correspond with our free will desires will the universe know what to bring into your life. If you wish to learned, then take the action steps to learn - read books, study, etc.. only then will the universe know what you are striving for.
When you take action, from the smallest thing from writing a To-Do list in the morning, you set into motion corresponding effects that change your immediate future, and if you follow up day after day it can become a habit way of living and the results will be exponential. But if you fail, to take that first action, then there wont be much in your future for results.